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2 Trucks, 7 Variations, Endless Possibilities. Choose between either a Ford F450 or its big brother, the 750. And then have your pick on what you want to combine it with. These will work with virtually every AR bed. Don't want to go the AR route? Well these are set up to use 82 Studios beds as well, including the Hauler Beds, Service Beds, the Rollback bed, the 1982 Special, 3500, 2020 Series, X2 beds, almost everything they have. 

These will also work with Roughneck Modding Crews pickup beds. And then there are the snow plows. They work with as many plows as I could find, as well as Jeremy Browns High Pole attachment. These pickups work with everything and give you endless possibilities.  UPDATE: Minor Fixes

---------------------------------------MUST READ-------------------------------------

Don't skip this part. The bed attackers are on a sliding base. So if the attacher doesn't show up with the ability to attach right away, slide the base back or forth, and it will appear. I did this because not all attachers fit where they should right off the bat, especially AR attachers. This allows greater flexibility, so you can fit each bed how you want. 

Now, in store, they will all appear under the same photos, but each one is labeled different. Those labeled Norm will go with RMC beds and the standard size pickup beds from 82 Studios. The NormXL will go with 82 Studios XL beds. 

And now to give credit where it's due. The cabs are from Northwest Mods (the F450) and GearWrench or Militia Mods for the F750. The SNG AR attachment is largely Tri-State Crew. Bits and pieces were taken here and there as well, but those three deserve some mention. 

CategoryGame mod
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorWestern Dakota Mining
TagsFarming Simulator, Farming Simulator 22


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

FS22_Ford_SNG_AR_Pack.zip 421 MB


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where can i get dumpsters for the switch and go bed?


Shitty mod.

you are right the ford had dodge tires and sounds like a doge shitty mod.


Heres a simple solution. Be an adult and have enough sense not to use it. Not that hard my guy

but all your other mod I like there the best.


it’s fine I grow up and uninstall it, maybe you grow up? And quit stealing others peoples stuff? How about you do that?? 


Tell me how I stole it? It's a public mod. By Giants TOS, they have rights over anything creates in Giants Editor, and they give users rights to use those creations. So didn't steal anything. 

But if you want to  claim I stole anything, maybe complain to North West that they also stole items from Giants for their mods. That or just don't talk about things you're ignorant about. 

Then dont use it. Its really that simple.


Thank you so much, I can finaly have a truck with a bale bed on it


so is it ok to use them? lol


Use them, share them, tear them apart and make something better, its all good.


love the mods could we get some tree care


very sexy !!


Once again you do not have permission to use my mod or any of the parts in your packs.  Please kindly remove them. Thank you.

this is not the firts time lol

its not right to do it


So are you upset with them for editing Giants mods? Do you understand the Giants TOS at all? Or are you simply hero worshipping?


They aren't Giants mods... Stop repeating the same bullshit, repeating what AJ tells you doesn't mean it is the truth... 


The fact you have to resort to insults tells me everything I need to know about you. That you have no clue as to what you're talking about but have convinced yourself that you do. I'm not going by what AJ is saying. I made up my own mind and seriously my guy, we went over all of this already and I explained the TOS to you. But maybe you don't recall that because in typical Crownzilla fashion, you resorted to name calling instead of actually having a conversation like an adult. 


Once again, I don't need your permission. This isnt your truck. The cab is from your truck, and I gave you credit for that. But thats it. You gave Giants permission to use your truck, and according to the TOS, they have granted rights to their users. 

The fact you use Giants mods as part of your edits and mods is more than enough evidence to tell everyone that this is either okay, or you're a hypocrite. 

I'm not removing this mod as it is something very different from what you offered.


Bro, you must be braindead or something. No where in the TOS it says that Giants give you permissions to do whatever you want with other people's mods. Giants DO NOT OWN people's mods, they just gets automatic permissions to use/edit/distribute people's mods. But that's only for Giants Software, i doubt you are part of their team, therefore you DO NOT have any permissions to re-upload people's mods...


Crown, you never disappoint. You talk about the TOS as if it means anything to you, which it obviously doesn't as you sell mods. Which is against the TOS. So why anyone should consider what you're saying is beyond me. 

I also didn't re-upload their mod. This isn't even an edit of their mod. I simply took a cab, from a public mod, and used it on a different mod. But I'm sure you have some insult just waiting right? Because that's all you actually have. No real debate, just insults.


Ah yes, the "you sell mods" therefore you can't say anything... xD Same stuff every time. Maybe look at it at a different point, if no one buys my mods, then techically i'm not selling mods... I'm not responsible for people buying mods.. Also, do you say that since i brake TOS, you can brake TOS too. Debate? You are spreading same missinformation over and over again... And if we actually look at it, this convo isn't about me, Northwest Mods has completely free mods and he isn't braking the TOS at all, and he kindly asked you to remove the mods, since you don't have permissions to use his cab (basically half of his mod or even more) and just throw shitty AR beds and call it a day... So yes, i can debate, but if you can't read and understand simple sentences idk what debate we will have. Also, i didn't insult you - the way you act, the way you talk you really seem to have brain issues, because idk how you can't understand simple stuff...


It doesn't matter if anyone is buys your mods. You are still creating them for a commercial purpose. Your argument here just shows you lack of understanding. It should tell everyone that there is no reason to trust your view because it's clearly bankrupt. 

Im also not saying that since you violate the TOS that I can. I'm saying the fact you violate it means you either don't care, or you don't understand, and thus your opinion means nothing.

Also, there are no AR beds on these. There is an AR attacher, as well as a host of other ones, thus the term universal here. The cab itself is the least important thing here. 

And you resort to name calling again, or to an ad homniem, while trying to defend it in the dumbest fashion possible. 

Not to mention, while you say I just repeat myself, that's all you've done. When I laid out an entire break down of the TOS, what was your response? An insult and refusal to address anything. Might just have to ban you again as you are still the same old Crown. 

crown you are a snake ever mod you make wether free or not has sucked and you are and why does this invole you i never saw you piece of junk mods cab so stay out of it


And let's clear it, show me where in the TOS it says the words "Giants Software OWNS" and where it says "Giants Software gives permissions to everyone to edit/re-upload/distribute other people's mods" ... Let's see it, maybe i'm wrong, but i highly doubt it.

The TOS doesnt have to use that exact phrasing. What youve done here is made a logical fallacy and act as if it means anything. What the TOS says, as ive shown you elsewhere, is that Giants is granted usage rights over anything created with their software and they grant their users rights to use those creations within the realm of that game as long as they don't do it for commercial reasons. But I know you don't really care what the TOS says as you do mod for commercial purposes. So there is no reason to believe you when it comes to the TOS that you don't even abide by. At best, you're being a hypocrite. 

So you basically said nothing as per usual, you didn't show anything from the TOS, you just kept talking the same thing as you are on repeat.. 

It's okay if you don't understand what I'm saying. It's clearly a waste of my time to continue with you. 

he is right if i can have right to edit mods in editer way cant he


How you call the mod different when you use the cab and everything, you just added compatibility for the 82's AR Beds, the rest is the same, could you please explain how that'ts "very different" (since you want debate).

The cab is just style. Everything else is functionality. I could slap any cab onto this frame and it will continue to work. I remove the cab, and the cab itself does nothing. Not to mention that the xml coding is vastly different.  Yeah, it has the things in it for just cab, but that's cosmetics. 

That's great, then please change the cab to something else. Oh and just another friendly reminder, I didn't give you permission to use any of my parts for your mod. Maybe if you would have asked first, like most of the respected members of the community would have done, you might have received a different response to this. Either way. Kindly remove any parts you have used from my mod. Thank you. 


We've hashed this out already. You got my answer. And if being a respected member means whining and complaining about people enjoying the game by making mods, then I don't want to be part of that community. So no, won't be removing this. 


Please kindly remove the cab from your truck frame. I have not given you permission to use that part or any other part from my mod. Thank you.


We dealt with this before. We both know where this will end up. You granted much of your rights over to Giants who then granted many of those rights to their user base. What I'm doing is within my rights according to Giants. I'm not taking it down. 


This has not been dealt with by any means. Please kindly remove any parts your are using from your mod. you do not have my permission to use them. Thank you.


We've went over this. Won't happen. 


It doesn't matter if he changes it,  it will show errors on the logs. That will show everyone his modding skills. It doesn't take much to copy someone.  I'm sorry u are having to deal with this.


bro wth chill a little lol dude took a good mod and made it even better. this is what is wrong with the community. he didn't take it and add some awful message on top of it. a mod like this is what I've been looking for. if you are proud of your mod you should say "dang this is a nice mod, what you did to it looks great." I don't get all the hate for him using something you made and changing it a little bit to add more?? neither of you are selling them, they're all public, and he even gave you full credit. I'm not sure what the big deal is?


I'm chill, no need to worry about me.  I'm not loosing sleep over this I assure you. I just have some free time to fight for what I think is right.

also just fyi before you continue drinking the cool aid these hacks are spewing , I paid around 200 bucks to buy the 3d model. I also got a proper license from ford to use it. I then put over 1000 hours of personal time into making it function and perform the way it does in game.  It's for sure not perfect, I've never said that, but it is one one of the better performing and functioning trucks out there for a high detailed model.  but after all that effort to have someone take it and repost it with out even asking if it was ok. Not "Chill" by me at all.

also, please tell me where else in the community you see "respected" creators taking mods from other creators without collaboration or permission and re-sharing the parts with a few changes to them to accommodate other mods that most users can just do themselves? It's what miserable and attention seeking individuals with no talent and no self respect end up doing. We see it happen all the time especially within this community. But thanks for taking the time out of your day to share your thoughts. I do think it's a big deal, but your entitled to your own opinion. Have a wonderful day.


For anyone who cares, I'm just banning this guy. He's a hypocrite, he's negative and he's what's wrong with this community. There's no point in speaking with people like this.

That's crazy that you got a "proper license" from Ford to use it for your mod when Giants software themselves don't even have one. Show some legitimate proof or it's all bullshit. That's what ever forgets even if we ignore Giants TOS every vehicle mod modeled based on a real vehicle, using its likeness and brand badging it copyright infringement the moment to attempt to sell and profit from it. You can't say someone stole your mod because first the moment you use giants editor to make your mod tos giants grants anyone permission to use/ edit/ share. Second it's can't be stolen because you shared it someone or illegally sold it. You have no license to the copyright of any of the vehicle mod regardless if you modeled it from scratch. The moment to attempt to sell it illegal and not yours. It's only stealing if the only copy is on your computer and someone physically or digitally took it without permission. 

(1 edit)

Its awesome but I'm not getting any sound when I start engine on all 3 750. I get tire sound but not engine. Then the rear wheels float above the ground.


Thanks for letting me know. I don't play with sound so didn't notice that the engine noise was missing. I'll get that fixed. I didn't notice the rear wheels floating, but I'll take a look.